
Latest news and updates from Paul Tavernor

Bee Kind

Bee Kind

The little act of kindness that mouse had shown the bee by reviving it with sugar water was only a tiny thing! But to the bumble bee. It was the biggest act of it's entire life.

29 May 2020

Sweet Reward

Sweet Reward

Mouse had seen the big fresh strawberry bobbing up and down in the pond. And even though it meant getting wet! It would most definitely be worth it.

Because...mouse loved strawberries.

28 May 2020

Roof Tops

Roof Tops

"Why have we climbed all the way up to the roof tops?" said little mouse.

"Well being so small..."said big mouse. "We only ever get to see the big bright street lights! So tonight while it's nice and clear, I wanted to show you a sky full of diamonds!"

25 May 2020

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